Annual Parish Assembly 2023
The Annual Parish Assembly will be held on Thursday 6th April 7pm
at the village hall
All welcome!
Agenda for the Annual Parish Assembly
1. Welcome and Chairman’s report for the year 2022-23
2. Finance report for 2022-23
3. To receive the minutes of the Annual Parish Assembly 2022
4. Speaker- Natural England – Glebe Farmland and Hog Cliff National Nature Reserve (15 mins)
5. Report from the Allotment Association
6. Report from the CLT- TBC
7. Report from the Village Hall Committee
8. Report from the Friends of the play area Committee
9. To receive the Rights of Way report
10. To receive a report from Dorset Council (AA).
11. Transport Report
12. Democratic Forum
13. Meeting close and refreshments
Meeting to be followed by the Parish Council meeting.
Parish Councillors
You are hereby summoned to attend the next Parish Council meeting on
Thursday 6th April 2023 at 8pm at Maiden Newton Village Hall
The Public and Press are cordially invited to attend.
23/04-1. To receive apologies for absence.
23/04-2. To receive declarations of interest or grants of dispensation.
23/04-3. To approve the minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on the 2nd March 2023
23/04-4. To receive any matters arising from the minutes for information only.
23/04-5. Democratic Forum (15 minutes).
23/04-6. Planning consultations: To consider all planning applications in circulation.
23/04-7. Finance:
i. To consider all payments and receipts due.
ii. To consider the Internal Auditor for 2022-23
23/04-8. Council property: To receive the monthly property risk assessment reports (ALL)
i. To consider the costs to extend Rock Pit Car Park and Village Hall Car Park
23/04-9. Highways/Transport – to report any issues.
23/04-10. To consider items of correspondence received.
23/04-11. Items for the Annual Parish Council meeting 4th May 2023