Herald report January
Website: www.maidennewton-pc.gov.uk Email clerk@maidennewton-pc.gov.uk
Happy New Year
Meetings-The next Parish Council meeting is to be held on- Thursday 5th January 2023- 7pm in the village hall. Minutes of the December meeting are available on the PC website.
Planning Applications- To view the planning applications for Maiden Newton please follow this link to the Dorset Council planning website- https://www.dorsetcouncil.gov.uk/planning-buildings-land/planning/planning-application-search-and-comment
Coronation May 2023
Maiden Newton Parish Council will be discussing this at the January meeting and welcome residents and community groups to attend or give their support to join a village committee to arrange any celebrations.
Allotment Vacancies
We have vacant plots at the Maiden Newton Allotments, please contact the Clerk for more information
Your Parish Councillors and their roles and responsibilities
Cllr Trena Fox 01300 320714
Chair/ Allotment / Crisis Committee
Cllr Jeremy Edwards 01300 321393
Vice-Chair, CLT/ Bus shelters/ Playing field/MUGA Rock Pit Car Park/ bank signatory / Crisis committee
Cllr Sally Falkingham 01300 320969
Transport/DAPTC/Housing Homeless Forum/Dorset Deserves Better
Cllr Cherri Dyke 01300 320888
Play area, Car park at the Village Hall, crisis committee, Village Hall
Cllr Paul Valinski – via Clerk
Village hall and Youth and Community Centre
Cllr Diana Padfield – 01300 320269
Child Protection Officer/Dorset Deserves Better/PPG
Cllr Lawrie Goff 01300 321302
Ancient Monuments/ Emergency and Flood/Pump and Fire House/ the Green Harvey’s Close/ bank signatory
Contact the Council
Clerk/RFO – Mrs Michele Harding, C/o West Elworth Farm, Portesham Weymouth, Dorset DT3 4HF.
Email clerk@maidennewton-pc.gov.uk Tel: 07814 016971
Please also see our noticeboard (between The Stores and No. 64)