The Allotments are own and managed by

Maiden Newton and Frome Vauchurch Parish Council

There are 61 allotment plots managed by the Parish Council, if you are interested in an allotment please contact the Clerk to be added to the waiting list

We currently have vacancies please contact the Clerk for more information 

Please see the current Allotment Agreement this is renewed annually in November

Current Allotment fees- Whole plot £25 Half plot £12.50 (rents are doubled if you do not live in the village)

For all new Allotment holders from 1st June there will be a refundable deposit of £25 (more details on application)

Maiden Newton Allotment Association also manage many plots on the site, some are mini plots, please contact the Allotment Association for further information or to apply for membership for the Allotment Association please download this form

Allotment membership form

A bigger image of Maiden Newton allotments