Next Parish Council Meeting- Join us on Thursday 5th September 2024 7pm at Maiden Newton Village Hall, please note the PC does not meet in August.
Your New Councillors-At the July PC meeting we filled the 2 vacancies by co-option, it was great to have so much interest in the vacant seats, congratulations to Carol and Toni who were voted by Councillors, we are now a full compliment.
Recreation –The Whale springer at the play area has now been repaired. The Friends of the play area and Parish Council look forward to working together on the next projects for the area. The Cllrs are meeting with companies to consider the resurfacing of the MUGA.
Allotments– We currently have 3 vacant plots so please get in touch if you are interested in taking on an allotment, we recently visited the site and have to say it is looking rather spectacular at the moment.
Traffic Calming- At the July meeting it was agreed that the PC will pay for various speed and traffic surveys to consider a SID (Speed indicator device) and 20mph speed limits.
Asset inspections- During the next few weeks Cllrs will be carrying out inspections of all assets in the villages, this will give the new Cllrs an opportunity to see the assets that the PC are responsible for and what maintenance is required in the coming year. The PC has Allotments, Play Area, MUGA and playing field, Rock Pit Car park, car park at the village hall, monuments, bus shelters, noticeboards, a clock and benches, so plenty to consider.
Development of the Old Toller Porcorum to Maiden Newton trailway- Following a site meeting with Cllrs, rangers and interested parties the PC supported this project to benefit the community, it is hoped that Dorset Council countryside team can assist it making this project a reality
Get in touch-
For inquiries or assistance please contact the Clerk/RFO – Mrs Michele Harding, C/o West Elworth Farm, Portesham Weymouth, Dorset DT3 4HF.
Email Tel: 07831 029677.
You can also reach out to any of the parish councillors, their details are on the website and noticeboard.
Warm regards
Maiden Newton and Frome Vauchurch Parish Council